

How Your Thoughts Shape Longevity

Today, let’s take a profound dive into the transformative journey that a positive mindset can unfold within you. It’s not just about thinking happy thoughts; it’s a holistic odyssey that resonates through every cell of your being.   Reduced Stress, Radiant Glow: When you cultivate a positive mindset, it’s not just brightening your thoughts; you’re…

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The Best Investment You Can Make

When we think about investments, our minds often wander to finance—stocks, bonds, 401k, real estate, etc. We ponder which avenue will yield the highest returns and secure our financial future. But what if I told you that the best investment you can make transcends the world of monetary assets? Today, I invite you to challenge…

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Breathe, Relax, Repeat: Unwind with Alternate Nostril Breathing

Let’s dive into a centuries-old practice that can transform your breathing routine and bring harmony to your mind, body, and soul. It’s called Alternate Nostril Breathing; its benefits are remarkable.   Before we embark on this enlightening journey, let’s take a collective deep breath. Inhale… and exhale. Ahh, feels good already, doesn’t it? Well, get…

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Want to Change Your Life? Let Your Words Do the Work

Have you ever heard the phrase “your word is your wand“? It’s a powerful concept that suggests how we speak and how we use language can shape our reality. This is especially true when it comes to our health and bodies. Our words have the power to create, energize, and inspire. When we speak positively…

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What story do you tell yourself?

When I was a little girl in elementary school, I was terrified of having to play kickball in gym class. It was one of my biggest fears–up there with snakes and spiders. I remember the feeling of dread when the teacher announced it was kickball day. My stomach would instantly feel all knotted up. She’d usually…

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What would you do?

Can I ask you a question? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Would you learn to speak Japanese? Take a salsa dance class or learn to play the fly a plane? Start your own business? Or would you commit to losing that spare tire around your belly and getting out for…

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What are you waiting for?

    Warren Buffett famously said that you are your best investment. And you know what? He was 100% right! When you invest in yourself, you improve your life and the lives of those around you.     So, I’m curious, where do you fit in when it comes to investing your money or your time?…

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What does the future-you look like?

What do you want your life to look like a year from now? How do you want to look and feel? One of the primary keys to achieving any success, whether losing weight, running a marathon, or getting a promotion, is your mindset. A lot of people use affirmations, and I’m a big fan of…

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Do you invest in yourself?

Do you invest in the things that help you grow, or do you feel guilty spending money or time on yourself?  Have you been taught that it’s ok to spend money on things? Still, you feel selfish investing money in your personal growth–things like education or taking care of your health and the only body…

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