
successful mindset

How Your Thoughts Shape Longevity

Today, let’s take a profound dive into the transformative journey that a positive mindset can unfold within you. It’s not just about thinking happy thoughts; it’s a holistic odyssey that resonates through every cell of your being.   Reduced Stress, Radiant Glow: When you cultivate a positive mindset, it’s not just brightening your thoughts; you’re…

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Breathe, Relax, Repeat: Unwind with Alternate Nostril Breathing

Let’s dive into a centuries-old practice that can transform your breathing routine and bring harmony to your mind, body, and soul. It’s called Alternate Nostril Breathing; its benefits are remarkable.   Before we embark on this enlightening journey, let’s take a collective deep breath. Inhale… and exhale. Ahh, feels good already, doesn’t it? Well, get…

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What story do you tell yourself?

When I was a little girl in elementary school, I was terrified of having to play kickball in gym class. It was one of my biggest fears–up there with snakes and spiders. I remember the feeling of dread when the teacher announced it was kickball day. My stomach would instantly feel all knotted up. She’d usually…

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What does the future-you look like?

What do you want your life to look like a year from now? How do you want to look and feel? One of the primary keys to achieving any success, whether losing weight, running a marathon, or getting a promotion, is your mindset. A lot of people use affirmations, and I’m a big fan of…

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